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Home / Insights / INWARD BOOK CLUB: The Always Be Hiring Collection

INWARD BOOK CLUB: The Always Be Hiring Collection

For a bit of something different (and bordering on megalomaniacal), the guys reviewed Jonny’s own book: Always Be Hiring.

This is an extremely useful book if you’re in a position to hire. Not only salespeople, but generally hiring anyone.

(Even if we do say so ourselves).

You’ll find below embedded audio players for both episodes of Book Club that covered Always Be HiringI. You can also find direct links to Apple Podcasts and Spotify so you can save or download for later.

Enjoy the show.


Available across all podcast platforms

Always Be Hiring is the memoirs of a sales recruiter with 20+ years in the business and an deep insight into what companies do wrong when interviewing and hiring candidates. Plus, the author is a top guy.

(The file size is too big to upload here, please click the link above to listen)


Available across all podcast platforms

The guys delve deeper into JG’s (frankly excellent) book and and discuss the cost of recruitment, a homeworking backlash in 2022 and how employers can use Tik Tok to bolster their recruitment drive.


INSIGHT: How Much Should I Pay

BOOK CLUB Ep. 134: Always Be Hiring by Jonathan Graham Part 1

BOOK CLUB Ep. 134: Always Be Hiring by Jonathan Graham Part 1


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