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Home / Insights / Hiring People You Like (And Why You Shouldn’t Do This!)

Hiring People You Like (And Why You Shouldn’t Do This!)

In this episode of Hot Hiring Tips, Jonny explains why you shouldn’t hire the salespeople that you like the most.

Likeability is an important facet of sales.

But it’s not the only element to a good salesperson. It’s only one part of the equation.

Don’t fall for the charm. Don’t fall for the wit. Don’t fall for the charisma.

Whether you like the candidate or not should not overshadow the wider criteria that the candidate has to fulfil to be successful at your business.

INSIGHT: How Much Should I Pay

BOOK CLUB Ep. 134: Always Be Hiring by Jonathan Graham Part 1

BOOK CLUB Ep. 134: Always Be Hiring by Jonathan Graham Part 1


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