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BOOK CLUB: Ep. 132: Selling The Cloud by Mark Petruzzi & Paul Melchiorre Part 2 (ft. Mark Petruzzi & Paul Melchiorre)


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JG and Mike interview the authors of Selling The Cloud from across the pond this week. Paul Melchiorre and Mark Petruzzi join the duo as they are questioned on many different aspects and content of their book.

From the title of the book itself to the statement of ‘don’t close people’, there’s not always a harmony in opinion. But the episode is all the better for it as the quartet discuss and clarify the points and counterpoints made.

There’s a trans-Atlantic culture swap as JG shamelessly uses a Leeds Rhinos allegory and Paul uses a Philadelphia Eagles one in kind. They ponder the question of whether a salesman from the 1980s would fare better in today’s world than contempotary salespeople. Mike even makes a funny joke.

Listen in on this ep using the link above or the player below – it’s a belter.


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