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IRC Book Club #71 – STOP SELF MEDICATING – Indistractable by best selling author Nir Eyal – Part 1

IRC Book Club #71 – STOP SELF MEDICATING – Indistractable by best selling author Nir Eyal – Part 1

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The one thing we can control is how much time we spend on a task. Whether said task is getting us closer to where we want to be, or further away from it, is the life-changing difference between traction and DIStraction. You can control whether you get distracted or not in a way that takes you away from being a success.

In the first part of a four part series including an interview with the man himself, thought-leader and New York Times bestselling author Nir Eyal, Jonathan and Michael dissect and review Indistractable.

It goes without saying that we’re all hooked on technology (and many other self-medications!) but what can we do with that information?

This book teaches you how to master those triggers, regain your attention, and CHOOSE YOUR LIFE. Essential listening for us all. ESPECIALLY salespeople striving to be better.

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