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IRC BOOK CLUB 80: The Secret to Stress-Free Productivity. Getting Things Done by David Allen – Part 1

IRC BOOK CLUB 80: The Secret to Stress-Free Productivity. Getting Things Done by David Allen – Part 1


Available across all podcast platforms

Some don’t see the correlation between an efficient, well-computed and well-designed personal productivity system and sales success, but GTD is global and David Allen is an A-list player in this space.

Jonathan and Michael deconstruct and reconstruct the pros and cons of the system and compare to their own processes. They also discuss the boundaries between work and home life, the importance of asking why, outcome visioning, the impact of sales automation, and more ways to maximise your time and money.

The premise of the updated edition remains the same – through organisation, this book hopes to teach you how to achieve calm in our demanding industry, freeing up mental space for creativity and success.

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