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‘How to Master Objections’
This week we’re on chapters 11, 12 & 13 of Jeb Blount’s ‘Objections’
It’s not been our favourite book that we’ve read thus far, but it has been the best one and the most well-written. This book is inoffensive and we’re now at the point where we’re thinking ‘exactly right. But not noteworthy, but that being said, it is a good book.
Chapter 11: ‘Yes Has a Number’
In this chapter he’s telling us that sales is governed by numbers. Our main issue is that we don’t get why he included this in a book about objections.
Chapter 12: ‘Red Herrings’
We had a lot more to say about this chapter. We thought that he explained red herring objections badly. After reading this I went beck to the start and put the note ‘he didn’t actually tell us how to identify a red herring’. Jonny said to me years ago when I put the phone down – ‘how much was that phone call worth?’ and this has stuck in my head ever since.
Blount says that when somebody gives you an objection you need to test the validity of whether or not that’s a real objection
His first rule is to ignore, which I agree with to an extent BUT also think that’s dangerous because an unhandled objection grows like a piece of mould – you’re often sat there thinking ‘will that come back?’ when you could’ve nipped it in the bud instead.
The line I often use for red herring objections is ‘go on’
I’m quite negative about this chapter because I think red herrings are so important – often they’re a silent killer and Blount misses this point
Ignoring a red herring can also be synonymous with bullying – it’s going to come back and bite you later on. Especially if you’re having a conversation with somebody who’s a little bit quieter – they’re going to hate you for your ignorance. You’ve got to judge the situation with one where you’re in front of the client – if you’re a huge personality and your client isn’t and they throw a quiet objection in the works – do not ignore this – if you do, don’t be surprised if they never speak to you again.
Chapter 13 ‘Micro-Commitment Objections’
‘The human mind abhors the unknown’ Agreed. We always say when we’re on the phone, this is a canvas call, we state our intention. Blount’s 100% right about being clear with your intention, objective and micro-commitment at the end of the call.
‘When you indicate that you are unattached to the outcome, that you’re willing to walk away if working together might not be a fit, you are saying right up front that you are not going to chase – this activates the scarcity effect, people want what they can’t have’ – We thought this is beautifully elegant – you’ve got to be careful because you still have to sell to them a little bit, but I agree.
The way the guy puts together his scripts is amazing – the script on p.142 is blinding.
He’s missing those little shades of grey around what do you and don’t you ignore – I’m very nervous about the concept of ignoring an objection because a lot of salespeople will misconstrue that as walking over the top of it.
A lot of this book, Blount’s got me thinking and he’s got me to realise that my trainings not outdated.
Micro-commitments – he’s saying that A. you get your customer to say yes then B. you get them to do stuff for you – he’s saying that call me back next January is not a micro-commitment – call me back on January the 5th at 2pm is.
Blount isn’t too realistic with some of the points he makes.
Micro-commitment chapter in general is excellent – it’s something I already do but if you don’t then you should be doing it! read the chapter listen to our advice and change your game
All in all, we enjoyed these chapters, they’ve been a good refresher course for us and they’ve got us thinking about our game.
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